Updating Results

Department of Transport and Main Roads

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Department of Transport and Main Roads Reviews

Based on 31 surveyed graduates working at Department of Transport and Main Roads. Read on to get an insider’s view on life as a graduate.
Based on 31 reviews

Pros & Cons

  • The people. I love my job as it is always different, and I see more of TMR's diverse work, but it is my team and everyone I interact with. Everyone I have interacted with want to be in TMR and are highly enthusiastic about their respective area. It was a bit overwhelming to begin with as I am a shy person, but I soon started to relax into the energy.
  • Flexible working hours, friendly co-workers, the program of work changes and projects are interesting. You are always working towards meaningful value for the state of Queensland - good purpose for working.
  • Putting customers first and always pushing to improve our transport network at an officer level.
  • The best things are: support and guidance from seniors, work and life balance, training and learning opportunities, support for professional development, opportunities for higher roles and positions, opportunities to rotate to di?erent teams within the department to develop wide range of experiences, and ultimately building up the experience we need for a long and successful career.
  • Wide variety of different positions that each provide unique experiences and skillsets. Graduate rotation program provides some level of freedom to join various different teams.
  • Because TMR is so large, it is sometimes difficult to find the correct person to talk to or get help from. For my job that is the most annoying this when you have to go through 5 or 6 people to find the right person.
  • Too many amazing resources to get through in the beginning.
  • Every company has politics and bureaucracy and I've never been fond of that.
  • Could be more flexible
  • High scrutiny, less competitive pay compared to private industry

What Insiders Say

Career Prospects
Career Prospects
There are lots of promotion opportunities. People at TMR have the opportunity to apply for roles that really intrigues them. When those people go to different departments, other people have the opportunity to take on acting roles so they can gain the experience. Those experiences open the door for promotional permanency opportunities in the future. I believe at TMR, opportunities are everywhere.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility
All of our larger projects have elements focused on sustainability and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures build in as well as providing the best service to Queenslanders. Staff are also encouraged to participate in events to bring awareness and sometimes action. Last week my team participated in a tree planting campaign organized in conjunction with the Brisbane city council and there is an annual blood and plasma drive too.
We are a smaller team, but we have a very supportive and collaborative culture. I can literally go to anyone (when they are not in a meeting) and ask questions or for help. If something does not go right, it does not turn into a blame game but instead, we focus on what went wrong, what did we learn, how can we change it. TMR a whole has this approach as well with a high focus on learning, personal and team wellbeing as well as a high quality of work. TMR organises a lot of events such as the P4P week, Cubie awards, forums, and tonnes of of different training opportunities and showcasing of different initiatives. There are events created at all levels and most come back around or are recorded eventually. There also events where TMR has partnered with other departments or external partners, such as the Pride march or externally facing campaigns such as the Street Smarts one that we can get involved in too. For socialising, it is a team-to-team basis, but I my team does things like team lunches, coffee runs, walks and talks or just drinks afterwork.
TMR has multiple Accessibility and Inclusion teams working to make it the most accepting department. Events are frequently held to build community for all individuals, and events also occur for specific demographics to ensure everyone has a space where they are comfortable.
The TMR graduate program has allowed me to rotate and gain exposure to different teams and environments within the department, enabling me to develop a wide range of skills and experiences. Currently, I have been working at RoadTek within the Maintenance team and have been involved in various small maintenance projects, including guardrail repair. I have assisted the Project Manager in preparing cost estimates for guardrail repair and upgrading to meet current standards. We are now in the process of procuring subcontractors for the guardrail repair and upgrade.
In environment of the site-office allows for easy communication and feedback with managers on all levels, as such I have little doubt that any manager would provide unhelpful feedback with all mangers acting as helpful mentors (both during work-orientated tasks and career-wise). Given the nature of the workplace and environment internal communication is handled both formally (emails, weekly& fortnightly meetings) as well as informally (MS teams messaging, calls, desk chats etc.) with often multiple people involved to enable cohesion within the team.
Office Work Environment
Office Work Environment
Space, location & facilities are very convenient for me. Dress code is to look profession.
Was challenging but was also engaging. Long process with several stages. About my work experience mainly. Usual questions such as what I consider to be my strengths and weaknesses, and how I work to overcome challenges. Being yourself is paramount. The culture at TMR is diverse and will accommodate all backgrounds, provided you are capable. TMR has a page about vision and values on their main website. These are very important to understand and communicate with in the back of your mind during the interview.
Pay is fair. Bonuses in the standard sense aren't available, but there is a healthy superannuation compensation, leave loading is paid, and cost of living adjustments are paid out once a year. As well as this, there are a few claimable expenses, such as a small health allowance, and support for professional memberships. The company routinely goes through enterprise bargaining agreements, so pay rises are common and expected year on year. Leave policies within TMR are generous. The system is easy to navigate, managers are approachable about leave conversations, and accrued time off means that if a day off is needed it is extremely easy to get. Moving expenses can be covered by those moving a long distance for work, but I have not experienced this.
Training is self-paced and easily accessible, which is a style that works for me. Employees are encouraged to spend as much time as they deem reasonable to access training, provided it doesn't dramatically interfere with their work. Training resources are provided and external training is easily approved. The graduate program in particular blocks out two weeks a year for dedicated training time, along with the odd day here and there of online training. Through formal training, I have learned job specific technical skills, collaboration and communication skills (including presentation), negotiation skills, and general leadership skills.
Work Hours
Work Hours
My hours are excellent. there is flexibility to complete 7.25 hours between the hours of 6am to 6pm, so that is flexible enough for me.
TMR has entire branches and roles dedicated to environmental stability, and ensuring our oceans and waterways are cared for. Multitudes of projects are occurring in this space to innovate and keep out environmental impacts to nil or less.