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Modus Projects

Modus Projects Graduate Programs & Internships

  • Construction & Property Services

Trusted by clients nationwide to manage their building operations and maintenance programs, Modus Projects is a company with a steadfast commitment to quality. They take complete ownership of their clients' projects, guaranteeing the highest standards of workmanship, innovation, and service.

Whether it's a construction project or the ongoing management of properties, Modus Projects aims to take care of every detail, ensuring their clients can breathe easy, knowing their project is being taken to the next level of workmanship, safety, and innovation.

Meticulous Facilities Management

For Modus' facilities management clients, this means they provide meticulously scheduled maintenance checks, with a rapid response team ready to attend to any issues promptly. They handle everything from electrical to general maintenance, ensuring the highest level of service is delivered at any time.

Innovative Building Projects

For Modus' building project clients, their approach goes beyond simply executing the brief. They take the time to carefully consider and explore ways to make the project more sustainable, economical, and innovative in all aspects, including electrical work.

Focused On Safety

At Modus Projects, they have an uncompromising approach to work health and safety. With ISNetWorld (A-Grade) and CM3 accreditation, Modus Projects meets the most stringent WHS industry standards. Their commitment to WHS extends beyond the office door, as they maintain a strict focus on quality and safety at every site they attend. Through a fully audited Quality Management Plan, they ensure that anyone connected to a Modus-managed site can expect the safest working conditions. Modus Projects takes pride in consistently leading the industry in their WHS credentials.

Committed Team

Modus Projects is known for its team of dedicated professionals who embody drive, passion, speed, responsiveness, and a can-do attitude. They don't just make things happen; they make them happen when and how their clients need them, always delivering an outstanding level of workmanship.

Jobs & Opportunities

Locations With Jobs & Opportunities
  • Sydney
Hiring candidates with qualifications in
Business & Management
Property & Built Environment