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Berowra Cottage Children's Centre

  • < 100 employees

Berowra Cottage Children's Centre Graduate Programs & Internships

  • Education & Training

The Cottage is a Diverse Learning Community committed to programs of excellence for children, their families, and educators that embody best practices of early childhood education and promote collaborations that help all children realise their full potential.

Leadership Vision

At The Cottage, we see Leadership as having purpose and being intentional, which is embodied in pedagogical leadership. Pedagogical leadership underpins the way we operate. It is a journey and shared vision of joint inquiry, exploration, and reflection that involves families, children, and educators to provide for continuous quality improvement.

Recruitment Process

Our Service aims to implement a robust, well-planned recruitment process to ensure we select the best person for the position and the needs of our early childhood education service. We aim to engage employees who are suitably qualified, experienced and passionate about the early years. Our recruitment policy outlines our processes to ensure they are aligned with legislative obligations, our Service's values and support diversity and inclusion.


A resume will need to be attached with a cover letter for all positions advertised.

Selection Panel and Interviews - In Person

A selection panel will be determined for applicants shortlisted for an interview. The selection panel will consist of at least 2 people. Our service will use the interview guide and questionnaire when preparing for interviews.

Applicants who require support or access provisions are encouraged to advise this at the time of their application, to ensure appropriate assistance is provided throughout the recruitment process.

Questions will be prepared in advance of the interview and applicant responses will be recorded during the interview. Each applicant will be asked the same questions to ensure fair and equitable treatment of all applicants. Interviews will be conducted in a private space and confidentiality will be maintained at all times. Applicants will be provided with an opportunity to ask questions relating to the service and position at the end of the interview.

Probationary Period and Induction

Each new employee is subject to a Probationary Period of six (6) months. This ensures assessment for both the employee and service to ensure the suitability of the role for the employee. During this time employees will receive advice, training and guidance to help them become familiar with and competent in, performing the work they have been appointed to do. The appointment is subject to the satisfactory completion of the Probationary period which itself is subject to termination during any stage, by either party, upon notice in writing, or by payment in lieu of notice.

Our Service is committed to providing a comprehensive induction program to ensure the smooth integration of new employees. The Approved Provider or assigned nominee will support the new employee and help them to understand the organisational structure, how decisions are made and communicated and what role they will have in the decision-making process. An induction checklist will be used to support this process, which explains an employee's responsibility to know the policies, procedures and practices within our Service and their duty of care obligations to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all children. The induction will include relevant information on child safe practices adhering to the Child Safe Standards, Code of Conduct, strategies that identify, assess and minimise risks to children and mandatory reporting procedures.
(See New Employee Induction Checklist).

Continuity in care within the Service is paramount. By orientating staff professionally and correctly, it
guarantees the consistency of care not only within the room but also across the entire Service. New employees will undergo regular supervision appraisals, mentoring, training and development as part of the orientation process.

Remuneration & Career Growth

The contribution of professional development to developing practice can be a source of deep professional satisfaction, for both individual practitioners and Services collectively. Through developing our capacity to link theory to practice, we deepen our understanding of the value and significance of our work. In turn, this sustains our commitment and enthusiasm and capacity to keep growing professionally and personally.

We advocate for continued further career progression and encourage this with our Team. Top talent is promoted and rewarded

Jobs & Opportunities

Locations With Jobs & Opportunities
  • Sydney
Hiring candidates with qualifications in
Teaching & Education