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Nexon Asia Pacific

  • 500 - 1,000 employees

Aden Leong

Information technology has always interested me since high school, both hardware and software, and has led to me choosing my current specialisation.

What is your current role and how long have you held this role?

I am currently a Modern Workplace Junior Consultant and I’ve been in this role for 8 months.

How did you choose your specialisation and why?

Information technology has always interested me since high school, both hardware and software, and has led to me choosing my current specialisation.

What does a typical day look like for you?

First thing in the morning I would continue my tasks from the previous day and check my emails for any new DevOps tasks assigned to me, near mid-day I’ll have a daily stand-up meeting with the lead consultant that I report to as well as other consultants in the team. In this meeting, we discuss our current tasks for the day and if we need any more.

From then, we continue our tasks. There may be some support tasks that get assigned to us by a project manager from time to time. Tasks include creating documentation, answering questions from clients, creating custom templates, etc.

What is your favourite part of your role and why?

The best part of this role is the work environment, everyone is extremely friendly and kind. Project managers will always try to push you to do the best of your capabilities and won’t tell you to do something that you straight out can’t do due to limited knowledge or complexity. This role allows you to be able to learn a wide range of technologies and skills, ranging from coding in PowerApps, custom templates, power automate or web parts, setting up relationships for tables and creating visualisations using Power BI to things like Intune for managing devices for a tenant.

Where could you or others in your position go from here?

Due to the wide range of different tasks we get exposed to such as migrations, PowerShell, creating custom templates, Power BI reports, PowerApps, etc. There are a lot of options that you can choose to branch off to if wanted. From the Junior consultant role, ideally, I’d transition to the Consultant role.

Could someone with a different professional background transition into your role?

Since this role requires lots of basics for coding or topics in information technology, it would be quite challenging to transition to this role with no basic knowledge of these topics.

What was the most exciting task/project that you have worked on?

The Desk Booking app that we created was the most exciting for me as it was my first time putting the skills that I have learnt in university into actual use in the IT industry. This project was our first and was split among the Junior Consultants. We were initially tasked to create PowerApps specifically for booking hot desks in the city office for a pilot run. This project involved creating a PowerApps and Power BI report to visualise the data. We have since expanded the app to include the Melbourne office.

What are some challenges that you face?

This role requires a lot of self-learning. It is important to be able to learn by yourself in an environment where other consultants are too busy to help teach you.

What advice would you give to graduates looking to get a career within the IT industry?

When submitting your resumes, ensure that each resume caters to the specific company. Before an interview, research the company that you have the interview with, they may ask you if you know what they are or how they operate. Not knowing how to answer this question may give off a bad impression or lack of interest in working for that company. Prepare an answer in case a question is asked regarding experience in using programming languages, you can refer to experiences in university.

What sets Nexon apart from other leading Managed Service Providers?

Using an agile approach, Nexon can be more flexible, allowing clients to be able to give continuous feedback. Resulting in solutions that are personalised exactly to the client's preference.

In your opinion what is the culture like at Nexon?

The work culture in Nexon is very positive as everyone is very nice. When you complete a project, the practice manager or general practice manager will always give positive feedback, saying things like you did a really good job congratulating you, etc. It gives a sense of confirmation that the work you did was good and that people know that you did the work.

What was your interview process like? What kind of questions were you asked?

For my interview, I had to create small PowerApps that did a particular function while also showcasing my interests or hobbies.

Questions I got asked related to my experience in applying my skills. What programming languages do I know and that I’ve used in the past?

Are there any other comments you would like to share about your employee experience at Nexon?


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