Updating Results

K&L Gates

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Working Hours at K&L Gates

8.0 rating for Working Hours, based on 53 reviews
How flexible is your company when it comes to hours?
Some teams are flexible with the hours you work and working from home. However, in other teams you cannot work from home or it is not the culture to do so. I think the firm would benefit from encouraging at least one day work from home so people have a better work life balance, and allows people to not commute for one day. The actual hours worked will differ depending on the team and the matters they are working on - some are better than others.
Graduate, Sydney - 11 Sep 2024
Not because of the hours themselves, but if I am not learning and not being utilised, I could be doing this from home.
Graduate, Sydney - 03 Sep 2024
Lots of hours but I am happy to do it
First year lawyer, Perth - 17 Jul 2024
Company is extremely flexible - particularly when compared to your conventional Law firms. There are junior and senior lawyers with families, sporting and extra-curricular commitments etc that come in at various times of the morning and leave at various times in the evening. There are also others that can work from home with no dramas. In terms of hours, 8 hours a day is the acceptable standard. Usual business hours are 8.45 am - 5.15 pm.
Lawyer (1st year), Perth - 10 Jul 2024
Extremely flexible.
Graduate, Melbourne - 10 Jul 2024
I have a healthy balance of working hours and home time. This fluidity in working hours allows me to operate at an optimal level.
Graduate, Sydney - 09 Jul 2024
I work long hours, but they are flexible. If I have work to be done, it is expected to be done. However, I don't hang around if I don't have anything to do. There are options to work from home when it works for your team.
I haven't been here long enough to comment.
Team specific.
The working hours currently are very good. Each team operates differently, but each team is extremely flexible when someone needs the flexibility.
Hours are very reasonable. My team is flexible and comfortable with me working from home where necessary.
The hours at work can be long. I aim to arrive at work at 8:15am and leave by 6:15pm and take around 45min for lunch. The firm will allow you to work from home if you need to. Often colleagues will leave the office and work from home thereafter.
My company has very reasonable working hours normally from 9 - 6. I am happy with my work/life balance.
You are not encouraged to stay back late, everyone has a life outside of work
They are reasonable flexible, as long as you get the work done that you are assigned you can leave/come in at reasonable times.
I am fortunate to work with a flexible partner who permits us to work from home if necessary. We have some people that work from home one day a week or only work part-time which does affect the flexibility of other team members.
I am satisfied with the hours I work. I know that I often exceed the required hours. This is largely due to the fact that I am a perfectionist and like to ensure that everything is perfect before it goes out.
Very flexible I have a personal plan due to my religious observance and the firm is great with that
My work hours are normal and the firm is reasonably flexible when it comes to completing tasks while working around my commitments.
Work hours vary considerably with work flows. Given that my graduate year was undertaken during the pandemic there were significant lulls in work and thus work hours were predictably within reason. Occasionally there would be urgent and large tasks that would require a significant outlay of time but the occurrence of such events balances well with the breaks that I receive.