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Clayton Utz

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Salary at Clayton Utz

6.2 rating for Salary, based on 22 reviews
What are your thoughts on pay and bonuses at your company?
It can be higher considering the higher cost of living in Canberra.
Graduate, Canberra - 27 Oct 2023
For the work you do and the hours you do, the pay is not up to par. You get billed out at a minimum of $380 ish an hour as a graduate and yet you're only walking away with max $40 an hour. You're only paid on a weekly basis on fixed hours, with no account for the fact that you can work 10, 20 or more hours per week without payment for it. Obviously bonuses are there to counteract that but they are not nearly sufficient and they are heavily skewed towards keeping massive fee earners t the firm who are partners and high level SCs
Graduate, Sydney - 27 Oct 2023
We have yet to receive bonuses for our work. Pay is good but anticipated a pay raise from graduate to lawyer.
Graduate, Brisbane - 20 Oct 2023
Not really that market-competitive despite the slideshow graphs wheeled around. Would do better moving to another top-tier in Sydney or Canberra.
Graduate, Canberra - 19 Oct 2023
The graduate bonus plan is somewhat unclear and appears to be left to the discretion of Partners who do not necessarily have the time to assess this. Pay otherwise appears to match market. My feelings on satisfaction with pay depend on the average hours I am working.
Graduate, Perth - 18 Oct 2023
My pay is commensurate with the value I provide.
Graduate, Melbourne - 17 Oct 2023
The pay for graduates is above average but considered low for a big 6 firm. I do think that the pay should be higher to attract and retain talent if the company wants to maintain its standing as a leading law firm in Australia. In terms of bonuses, I currently only have access to the graduate excellence program bonus scheme, but it does seem pretty accessible if you are meeting your targets and get enough work.
Graduate, Sydney - 17 Oct 2023
The bonus scheme for graduates is not transparent, and is very discretionary. Even when off the graduate program, I do not expect to be satisfied with the bonus structure. From what I have seen already at the firm, there is a lot of bonus protection by more senior people, to the point where i do not see that there is any realistic prospect of juniors getting a bonus. While it is important that it is clear what the bonus and performance requirements are, there also needs to be equal opportunity to perform to that level, and this does not currently exist. The approach in law has always been that you have to do your time as a junior, and this dated approach is still around on this front.
Graduate, Brisbane - 17 Oct 2023
Very good pay for a first job straight out of uni - still some confusion about whether or not admission would trigger a raise. Understand that the next pay rise should be around 20% but don't know any rates after that so would be good to have transparency about what the expected pay would be at the senior associate level.
Graduate, Melbourne - 17 Oct 2023
Base salary is good. However, more bonus opportunities would be good. The current bonus criteria is burdensome (e.g. time lags and billable targets) and sometimes depends on external factors outside of our control. The bonus is not significant.
Graduate, Brisbane - 16 Oct 2023
My peers in other law firms similar to CU earn more.
Graduate, Sydney - 12 Oct 2023
They could be clearer. I appreciate that factors other than billables need to be accounted for but it looks like even when you hit billables beyond many other teams, it is still up to the discretion of your partner to provide the bonus. For a top-tier law firm, pay is good but below most competitors. This is very much noticed amongst juniors, who talk to friends at other firms.
Graduate, Sydney - 11 Oct 2023
I think the pay is good for my level. I think the bonus initiatives are disproportionately high, although this has not been something I have looked into much.
Graduate, Melbourne - 11 Oct 2023
What are your company's best or most unusual perks? For example: free tickets, free dinners, moving expenses, taxis, pension, etc.
Taxis after 8pm, they give you dinner from 6pm, AiA vitality
Graduate, Sydney - 27 Oct 2023
Great social events that provide alot, AIA Vitality is great but maybe a better gym membership that makes it free? Some other firms have free gym memberships as the gym is located in their building, I think this would be great.
Graduate, Brisbane - 20 Oct 2023
Nice amount of free food at work, really makes life a lot simpler - don't have to worry about having milk for coffee, running out of breakky cereal, fruit... really good. I love that.
Graduate, Canberra - 19 Oct 2023
Parental leave
Graduate, Perth - 18 Oct 2023
Graduate, Brisbane - 17 Oct 2023
Uber/taxi home after 8pm
Graduate, Melbourne - 17 Oct 2023
Not a lot of external perks but we get nice catering for everything
Graduate, Melbourne - 17 Oct 2023
Many team lunches and social events to attend.
Graduate, Melbourne - 17 Oct 2023
Events and providing food
Graduate, Perth - 17 Oct 2023
For a graduate, you sometimes get catered lunches and morning/afternoon tea if you have training or some other event. There is free dinner and paid Ubers home if you work past a certain time (7-8pm depending on Daylight savings), but the dinner selection can be pretty underwhelming. The best perk is probably the AIA vitality program where you get rewards for being active/healthy - this has been a great money saver.
Graduate, Sydney - 17 Oct 2023
AIA, food from 7, ubers from 8
Graduate, Brisbane - 16 Oct 2023
I don't think there are many perks. I use AIA vitality.
Graduate, Sydney - 12 Oct 2023
Pro bono and secondment opportunities are great! There are also some great social events such as bake sale, karaoke night, trivia night, Melbourne cup lunch and Easter lunch, EOFY party.
Graduate, Melbourne - 11 Oct 2023
I think the free 24 hour psychology appointments are an excellent perk. The food and after hours taxi's are also great. The AIA program is also pretty good. However, for many juniors (like all) feeling the impacts of cost of living, I think the firm is lacking in the perks it provides Many firms of the same size provide entirely free coffee or vouchers rather than marginally subsidised coffee. We don't need our own cafe, we need affordable coffee or at least a machine on the floors. While the parental leave entitlements are good, the annual leave days are standard. Other firms offer additional annual leave days which I think are appreciated by staff more than an increase in pay. Many other organisations also offer tangible discounts or free gym memberships, dinners or events. Take the gym membership, AIA offers discounts for fitness first and Virgin active, both of which are on the more expensive spectrum of health and fitness. Subsidising a luxury fitness pass to make it barely affordable is not helpful for many juniors who are not earning big salaries. We would much prefer a free pass at a standard gym rather than a subsidised luxury pass. Similarly, a free dinner voucher or movie ticket would go a long way in making staff feel appreciated (also much cheaper than a pay rise).
Graduate, Sydney - 11 Oct 2023