Graduate Geologist at AngloGold Ashanti Australia
Bachelor of Geology at Curtin University
Before my day to day work can commence, I have to fly deep into the Australian Goldfields.
4.20 AM
Smash the alarm, it is time to start the day. Head off to grab breakfast, lunch and snacks from the mess to prepare for the day ahead. Then off to the bus.
5.20 AM
Arrive at Site
Hop off the bus, admire the sunrise (not for too long!) and off to the office. Grab a coffee (black is a must) and take the breathalyser and sign the sheet. Begin the prestart meeting with colleagues and organise priority tasks for the day. Early morning breakfast and organisation is key to a good start.
6.30 AM
Prepare for Logging
Load up a 3D visualisation programme and analyse the geological area (in 3D) I am going to log today. Look at surrounding drillholes to the one I am going to tackle. This will help identify target areas and depths they may occur within the drillhole to be logged.
7.30 AM
Coreyard March
Grab the toughbook, lunch and accessories. Time to head off to the coreyard. Sun and fly protection is important!
7.45 AM
Logging Begins
Walk through the core, scan the geology and look for mineralised zones. Once I am confident with what I can see, begin to input the data into the toughbook.
12.00 PM
Chicken and salad, classic.
12.30 PM
Finish measuring geological structures in the core. Tidy up the data, print off the cut sheet for the technicians and head back to the office. Occasionally the Australian Gozilla might check in on your logging efforts, seen chilling out below.
3.00 PM
Check emails for new assay results. Conduct QA/QC checks on the results, once passed load them into the database. Another fun part of the day; look through core photographs when high grade hits are returned and analyse the results in 3D.
5.30 PM
The Run
The day has finished and most catch the bus home, however with the available 6km running track it is a great time to unwind and get some exercise.
6.00 PM
Arrive and Refuel
Arrive to camp and head in for a post run feast. Say hello to a few of the local echidnas.
6.30 PM
Keep Going
Gym time and maybe a few shots on the basketball court.
8.30 PM
Time to wind down, reflect on the day and head off to bed.